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High Resolution Audio

What is High-Resolution Audio? At Sound Liaison, we are dedicated to delivering the highest quality sound experiences...

Thousand Shades of Blue Revisited

A Positive Feedback Creative Forum for the Audio Arts special.  "... Carmen Gomes sings with supreme attention to ea...

Recording in Pure DSD feat. Spaargaren & Bjørnild

A New Experience in Sound Recording: My Journey with Sound Liaison and the Pure DSD Recording Technique At Sound Li...

Interview with Carmen Gomes

Carmen Gomes on her early musical influences, songwriting , Robert Johnson, Ray Charles, the decline of live music venues, teaching, compassion and her favorite artists and influences.

Recording the Feenbrothers

"Life is a lot like jazz; it’s best when you improvise." - George Gershwin Our second One Mic recording, Feenbrothers...

Highlight - The Visual Sound Jazz Music Sampler in DXD format

Every now and then a review of one of our albums comes along that impresses, because of the obviously extensive time ...

Recording ‘Stones in My Passway’ by Carmen Gomes Inc.

Notes on the recording session of ‘Stones in My Passway’ by Carmen Gomes Inc. There are several reasons I call this a...

Natural and artificial reverb.

In our quest for musical perfection, reverb plays a pivotal role. Sound Liaison effortlessly blends the natural hall sound with a touch of artificial 'long reverb' to create an enchanting auditory experience.  

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